- temperature_2m
- Air temperature at 2 meters above ground.
- temperature_80m
- Air temperature at 80 meters above ground.
- temperature_120m
- Air temperature at 120 meters above ground.
- temperature_180m
- Air temperature at 180 meters above ground.
- apparent_temperature
- Apparent temperature is the perceived feels-like temperature combining wind chill factor, relative humidity and solar radiation.
- dew_point
- Dew point temperature at 2 meters above ground. Dew point is the temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated with water vapor
- soil_temperature_0cm
- Soil surface temperature on land or water surface temperature on water.
- soil_temperature_6m
- Soil temperature at 6 meters below ground.
- soil_temperature_18m
- Soil temperature at 18 meters below ground.
- soil_temperature_54m
- Soil temperature at 54 meters below ground.
- precipitation_probability
- Probability of precipitation with more than 0.1 mm of the preceding hour. Probability is based on ensemble weather models with 0.25° (~27 km) resolution. 30 different simulations are computed to better represent future weather conditions.
- precipitation
- Total precipitation (rain, showers, snow) sum of the preceding hour
- rain
- Rain from large scale weather systems of the preceding hour in millimeter
- showers
- Showers from convective precipitation in millimeters from the preceding hour
- cloudcover
- Total cloud cover as an area fraction
- cloudcover_low
- Low level clouds and fog up to 3 km altitude
- cloudcover_mid
- Mid level clouds from 3 to 8 km altitude
- cloudcover_high
- High level clouds from 8 km altitude
- snowfall
- Snowfall amount of the preceding hour in centimeters. For the water equivalent in millimeter, divide by 7. E.g. 7 cm snow = 10 mm precipitation water equivalent
- snow_depth
- Snow depth on the ground
- soil_temperature_0cm
- soil_temperature_6cm
- soil_temperature_18cm
- soil_temperature_54cm
- Temperature in the soil at 0, 6, 18 and 54 cm depths. 0 cm is the surface temperature on land or water surface temperature on water.
- soil_moisture_0_1cm
- soil_moisture_1_3cm
- soil_moisture_3_9cm
- soil_moisture_9_27cm
- soil_moisture_27_81cm
- Average soil water content as volumetric mixing ratio at 0-1, 1-3, 3-9, 9-27 and 27-81 cm depths.
- relativehumidity_2m
- Relative humidity at 2 meters above ground
- evapotranspiration
- Evapotranspration from land surface and plants that weather models assumes for this location. Available soil water is considered. 1 mm evapotranspiration per hour equals 1 liter of water per spare meter.
- surface_pressure
- Atmospheric air pressure reduced to mean sea level (msl) or pressure at surface. Typically pressure on mean sea level is used in meteorology. Surface pressure gets lower with increasing elevation.
- visibility
- Viewing distance in meters. Influenced by low clouds, humidity and aerosols. Maximum visibility is approximately 24 km.
- shortwave_radiation
- Shortwave solar radiation as average of the preceding hour. This is equal to the total global horizontal irradiation.
- direct_radiation
- Direct solar radiation as average of the preceding hour on the horizontal plane and the normal plane (perpendicular to the sun)
- diffuse_radiation
- Diffuse solar radiation as average of the preceding hour
- direct_normal_irradiance
- Direct solar radiation as average of the preceding hour on the horizontal plane and the normal plane (perpendicular to the sun)
- shortwave_radiation
- Shortwave solar radiation as average of the preceding hour. This is equal to the total global horizontal irradiation