Welcome To The DASH-DIRTS!

Soil Analysis System

DASH-Database for Alberta Soil Health

DIRTS-Digital Integrated Resource Technology for Soil

Welcome to the DASH-DIRTS

The Database for Alberta Soil Health (DASH) and the associated web-based farm management tool, the Digitally Integrated Resource Technology for Soil (DIRTS), consolidate all historic and contemporary soil research data and best management practices to date. We are bringing agronomic science and practice in Alberta to the 21st century with BIG DATA and artificial intelligence! Our mandate is to bring publicly funded research data and producers farm soil testing data together to help farmers with the most precise farm management tools available, while ensuring data privacy with safe and secure data storage. We envision the front end of the database to be used by producers to track farm management, carbon sequestration, and greenhouse gas emissions, and coupled with artificial intelligence, to prescribe ways to increase efficiency, maintain yields, and reduce costs. The more farmers using the database, the better, as neighbors will be helping neighbors determine best management practices in their region. The back end of the database will be used by research scientists to track changes in soil health and carbon sequestration at larger scales for provincial and national reporting. As a part of the human global community, the database will give Alberta and Canada the power to help mitigate climate change on a global scale though precise agricultural management.